Area Idea: The Eternal Darkness

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Area Idea: The Eternal Darkness

Postby QuantumTangle23 » Sat Sep 29, 2018 1:25 pm

As halloween is coming near, I'd thought I'd share this slightly scary idea with you.

New area: The Eternal Darkness

Eerie and dark, but what lies within?

The Eternal Darkness lies inside the Indigo Quarry, and is so dark the smog blocks you out at first. Until you get an upgrade called the Luminescent Lantern, it is inaccessible.

New Item: Luminescent Lantern

This Item creates a light aura around you. It also allows access to the Eternal Darkness.

New Slime: Smog slime


Diet: Veggie

Favorite: Stinky Spud

Toy: Ball of Darkness

Slimeology: The smog slime is the source of all the smog in the eternal darkness. It is said to have descended from the rad slime. A popular theory states that the smog is required for the Stinky Spud to grow, because no Oca Ocas grow in the Eternal Darkness. Others say that they just got lost and adapted to their environment.

Rancher Risks: Smog slimes emit smog, which smells nasty to other slimes and makes them unhappy.
It is also pitch black, making it hard to see it.

Plortonomics: Smog plorts are used for cleaning air. Of course, they have to go through a vigorous process in order to make them clean. They're also good for pranks.

New Slime: Shroom slime

Don't touch bare-handed.

Diet: Meat

Favorite: Spore hen

Toy: Mush Plush

Slimeology: Shroom slimes thrive in the darkness. When Spore hens aren't around, they latch onto Tarr and drain tarr oil from them. This has never been seen in the wild, because spore hens are always around.Regardless, simulated experiments have proven this.

Rancher risks: At first thought, you might think Shroom slimes are the best slime for killing tarr. Think again. The Tarr oil left behind is fairly harmless, unless consumed. In which case, the slime turns into a Tarr. And it leaves behind 3 or 4 tarr oil, meaning that Shroom slimes are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS on contact with tarr. Also, slimes love to eat tarr oil.

Plortonomics: Shroom plorts have high amounts of a rare oil called "Amaniton Agarica" which is used for spaceships as a means of transferring hot and cold air.

New Tarr: The Overtarr

Oh dear...

Slimeology: The Overtarr is a creature made of over 1000 tarr stuck together. It thrives off of Gordos, eating them only to increase its size. Only one is known to exist, and that is at the end of the Eternal darkness.

Rancher risks: Possesses tendrils that hurt anything that comes near it. The only way to defeat it is to splash it with enough water.

Plortonomics: None

New gadget: Oil Seller

An unfinished prototype by Hobson. It links up to the plort market and allows you to sell Tarr oil. Obtained by beating the Overtarr.
Quantum tangles are the hardest slimes to ranch.

But who can say no to that cute little face?
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Re: Area Idea: The Eternal Darkness

Postby orempswenel » Sat Sep 29, 2018 2:53 pm

nice idea. inb4 emerald
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Re: Area Idea: The Eternal Darkness

Postby EmeraldPlay » Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:36 pm

damn straight

I've had a similar idea for a Tarr Gordo, though I haven't gotten around to mod it in yet.
My avatar was taken from Miomilla's chart.

Not visiting this place as often so contact me on Discord if you want anything from me.
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Re: Area Idea: The Eternal Darkness

Postby orempswenel » Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:49 pm

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Re: Area Idea: The Eternal Darkness

Postby Lionmeow » Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:21 pm

Apart from being able to sell it, will you be able to create new gadgets with the oil?
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Re: Area Idea: The Eternal Darkness

Postby orempswenel » Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:02 am

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