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Ocean Range (Community Project)

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2020 2:58 pm
by LoyalRancher128
Hello Ranchers! Ocean Range is fan made expansion project I've been developing for a while where the player will explore the underwater world of the Far Far Range. The idea was inspired from Subnautica which also takes place underwater. After some thinking I thought of instead of doing the project on my own. Why not ask for some help? That’s where you guys come in! Our goal will be to create a 1 minute trailer pitch to showcase what the expansion will be like. You can join our Discord server Range-Exchange to share your ideas and as of right now there's a monthly contest with quite a big prize pool. The winner not only wins the prize but also have their work be in the fan-made expansion. We want this to truly feel a community effort. So join today!