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Standalone 1.4.1c for Mac fails to run

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:40 am
by Chuma
I just got the latest update via Humble Bundle, but the game refuses to launch, "because it may be damaged or incomplete". Is there a known solution? If not, is there a way I can downgrade to an earlier version, maybe give 1.4.0 a try?

I've previously played version 1.2.1b, which works fine. HB allows me to download the latest (I assume) version, but has no options for earlier versions. I have Mac OS 10.14.6.

Re: Standalone 1.4.1c for Mac fails to run

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:19 am
by boherm
I've got the same issue here with 1.4.2, but I've found a solution :

1) Go to the folder where is with Finder, and select file.

2) On the menu at the top, click on : Finder => Services => New Terminal at Folder

3) Then a new terminal window shows up and you must type theses commands below.

4) Relink correctly .app file to the right binary name
Code: Select all
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleExecutable 'SlimeRancher'" Contents/Info.plist

5) Add execution permission to binary
Code: Select all
chmod +x Contents/MacOS/SlimeRancher

6) Disable Gatekeeper temporary. (Terminal must ask you to type your account password.)
Code: Select all
sudo spctl --master-disable

7) Clean the .app file
Code: Select all
xattr -rc .

8) Launch this and quit in game menu
Code: Select all
open .

9) Add into /Applications folders
Code: Select all
mv ../ /Applications

10) Enable Gatekeeper
Code: Select all
sudo spctl --master-enable

11) You can close Terminal and Finder, then enjoy Slime Rancher ! ;-)