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My Ideas After Seeing The Viktor Update Plans.

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 5:44 pm
by Randomtangle
I just read the Viktor Update Plans and Here is my Ideas. But Before That I'm saying that I'm glad to see the forums still up and running! I remember some good time here.

But here's my ideas...

First: DECORATIVE TECH! I simply LOVE the decorative tech just hidden throughout places! The It looks like the Devs just drew thumbdrives and screwdrivers and made them fancy I LOVE IT!

Second: I love how they did a techy map-out of it and showed the design process. It really helps with the Sci-Far-Far-Fi Vibe. It also gives you some little trivia to annoy your friends with that you know more, or if you were making a game!

Last, A Suggestion: I think there should be updates to the other character areas, I more of the wilds, more upgrades, more Quicksilver Slime toys, A Cute Little Ogden Plushes, A Giant Stature of Ogden to bow down too, A cult worshiping Ogden as a god... That good stuff.