Poetry Corner

Community discussion unrelated to Slime Rancher

Poetry Corner

Postby Nunn » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:15 pm

I love poetry. It's a great way for me to channel my inspiration. I want to start this up in the hopes that people will share, inspire one another and maybe even gain something from this.

Would love to see what you folks have done.

I'll start off with my jazz.

PS: I also have not written anything in a while which bums me out. So hopefully this might help me get past my writers block and outdo myself.

PSS: that last one is a short story/poem. Sorry about the wall of text, it's long :P.
Last edited by Nunn on Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poetry Corner

Postby Nunn » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:17 pm

The Dreamer

An echo of a dream. Drifting in warm spring breeze. And for a split second. That echo collides with the heart that wished upon a star so long ago. The dreamer lost in so many fantasies. But this echo awakens the heart. And the many layers. Many fantasies. They all wash away. Like so many layers of dirt. Revealing the gem within. Hidden for so long.

The dreamer smiles. Looks up at the sky. The dreamer remembers the past. The happy times, and the bad ones too. And then the dreamer looks straight forward, and walks in to the horizon. And with the setting sun, the dreamer is already far along the path. A road winding through life. A road paved with memories to come. The dreamer walks forward and embraces the future. And the future embraces the dreamer. And the heart shines again. With a light so strong it can pierce through the blackest clouds. On the darkest days. It sings to the world. A sweet and loving song, forever and always. And even after the dreamer is gone. The echoes of the song collide with other hearts. And helps make dreams come true.
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Re: Poetry Corner

Postby Nunn » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:18 pm

The Flower and the Conqueror.

Ash falls from the scarred heavens. Split by the conqueror. With a blade of flame, like a thousand suns. The earth is shattered. Life is being erased. Angels weep, broken angels with no wings. Blood seeps through the cracks of the world. And things stir in the depths. The demons who live in the hearts of men have won.

Humans are just shells of their former selves. Full of hatred. Madmen crying out to the sky, but there is no answer. And atop a mountain of skulls and broken dreams. The conqueror sits upon his throne. Made of gold and jewels, taken from the greedy. He watches the missiles arc across the horizon. Raining death upon the world.

But far far away a child sits. looking at a lone flower in a land of lost souls. The child waters the flower, and the flower gives him hope. Perhaps the flower will grow up strong. Rise up high with vines that bind the heavens. With roots that seal the earth's cracks, and the petals dance in the wind. Smelling of one child's hope and perseverance. And the demons cringe, and the eyes of the people clear up. The angels grow wings. And the ash turns to rain. Life returns, and it fights the conqueror. And he fades away. The sun rises after so long. The world is bathed in a warm light. And the child now a man, acts as a guide and leads the men and women to paradise.

But for this to happen. We all must water our "flowers", Trust in our hearts, believe in ourselves and never give up.
Last edited by Nunn on Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poetry Corner

Postby Nunn » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:19 pm


Life seems so bland these days, the flowers have no color, the music has no flow, I try to speak with people, but it all feels so empty, it all seems so fake.

I miss you so much, I still remember the feeling of your warm embrace, but I'm starting to forget your face, the things I love, fading away, and there is nothing i can do, like trying to hold sand, It just slips through my fingers, forever gone.

I do remember your smile though, It would brighten the day, make the sun seem dim, and at night, it was like the stars were trying burn even brighter, just to keep up, and your laugh, I remember that too, the world would go silent, just to listen, more beautiful than any song.

You always had the answer for everything, but now you're gone.

I have so many unanswered questions, no idea what to do.

I feel so lost, so lonely, so frustrated.

Why did you have to go?

I know you would hate for me to be sad, but how can i help it?

You were my everything, the reason I got up in the morning, the reason I would go to bed, and i always knew you would be there tomorrow.

But one day you weren't.

I sit alone In the park, you used to love this place, we would feed the ducks, and just watch the world do It's thing, and sometimes we would sit together at night, and watch the magic in the sky.

I would give anything I have for just one more moment with you, just to see that smile again, just to hear you laugh.

We made a promise once, that together, we would fix the world, mend all the broken hearts, give hope to those who are struggling.

I guess It's just me now, can I do all that on my own, I bet if you were here now, you would tell me to at least try.

I may only see darkness now, but maybe if i respect your wishes, and try, If i help others, and make them smile, make them laugh, maybe, just maybe, the color will return, the music will whisper through the world.

Guess I should at least try, and maybe one day, once I have brightened the world enough, you will return, and together, we will keep It alive forever.
Last edited by Nunn on Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Poetry Corner

Postby Nunn » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:20 pm

The cycle of seasons, the cycle of life.

Spring is when the world awakens. life bursts through the seams in the earth. everything is born in a paradise of green. gentle breezes spread the scent of new beginnings, while i lay in a field of flowers. a rainbow of life.

Summer comes. the sun shines bright, filling me with energy. Life is strong, and it dances under the sun. Like a golden blossom in the sky, dripping it's nectar down to us all. We vigorously celebrate life. And live in the moment. Autumn arrives, and it starts cooling down. The leaves fall in many beautiful colors, noble gold, passionate red, strong bronze and the familiar brown. We collect our harvests and reap our rewards. Though we know what comes next, we are still happy.

Winter finally arrives. The leaves are gone. The grass turns brown and dies. Winter is a time of death. The wind howls, and bites at our blushed cheeks like a pack of hungry wolves. For a time it is beautiful. But the wind blows harder and colder, the snow comes thicker and stronger. The blizzard blows and the sun is blocked out by angry grey clouds. The heavens roar, and i get lost in the noise.

I awaken on a field of hard snow. Far as the eye can see. Everything is white. The trees are gone, the mountains too. As I sit in this white void. The noise is gone and a blanket of silence has covered the world. I feel despair for i believe i am dead. I look to the horizon. But the heavens and earth merge. Both white. And I am forever lost.

I wander aimlessly. But i find nothing. Finally i collapse. I lay down, close my eyes, and am ready to leave. But then I hear something. A small voice singing in my ear. I open my eyes, turn my head to the side and look. I see a small patch of dirt unmarred by the snow. And in it's center, a small green shoot. I smile to myself. And decide my time has not come yet. I watch the shoot bud, and finally blossom. It opens, revealing the most beautiful little blue flower.

The clouds turn grey. And the heavens thunder. It's starts raining. Washing away the snow. I can now see the trees, and the mountains too. Spring is returning. And life with it. I face the sky, and stick out my tongue. I can feel the life returning. The clouds are ripped apart, and the sun peeks through the tear. It's heat burns all the clouds away, and I smile to myself as i look up to the heavens. A rainbow stretches across, and the green starts returning.

Spring blossoms again.
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Re: Poetry Corner

Postby Nunn » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:22 pm

A hidden treasure.

Chapter 1: The man and his treasure.

There once a man who owned an amazing treasure. It could make the cheeriest people cry. The gloomiest laugh. It could be loud. Like roaring thunder. So loud you'd forget there was anything else. But it could be gentle too. Soft like a lover whispering sweet nothings. But the man would lock this treasure away. Never sharing it with anyone.

Because though his treasure could be a light feather caressing his cheek. It could be like a mountain on his back. Crushing him into the earth. Knocking the breath out of his lungs. He would struggle to breath. And the world would go dark.

Because like all things in this world.It brings good and bad. But he could not bear the bad. Could not bear any of the pain. Could not bear seeing others in pain because of it. So he hid it away. Locked it in a chest and hid the key. Dropped the box to the bottom of the sea.

And over time. Without his treasure. Without the light and darkness. He became empty. A shell of what he once was. Sometimes he seemed fine. But If you looked into his eyes. You would see nothing. A void of absolute emptiness. No good. No bad. Nothingness....

Chapter 2: The world's daughter.

There was once a girl. In love with the world. And the world loved her. She would dance with the wind. Watching it guide everything on their way.

She would lie in the flowers letting the sun kiss her face. She would wander the world. Wondering at all it's glories. Some days she would sit at the lid of a volcano. Watching it erupt. Spitting molten rock into the sky. Billowing black smoke. Like a fireworks show the world created just for her. But some days she would close her eyes. And float off in the vacuum of space. Just enjoying the silence.

One day she was riding the waves. enjoying the salty breeze. Suddenly she felt something something strange. A powerful force. Pulling her to the depths. She dove down. Into the dark deep. And though she could see nothing. She knew something was there. Suddenly there were lights everywhere. Glowing jellyfish and iridescent creatures she had never seen before. Like a galaxy in the ocean.

And she finally found what she was looking for. A Metal chest Encrusted with rust. Every particle in her body was overwhelmed with the urge to open it. She tried to pick it up. But it's weight seemed immeasurable. And as hard as she tried. She could not lift it. She tried to pry it open. But it could not be opened.

She drifted to the seafloor in sadness. And the world felt her sadness and could not bear it. It asked her how it could help. But she said there was nothing it could do. But the world would not give in. With all it's power. It would help here. With here head hung low she started to weep. And one tear. Like a droplet of liquid crystal. Fell upon the chest and washed away the rust. And where the rust and grime had once been. There was a keyhole. She wished to find the key. But could not leave the chest. So the world promised to find it for her.....

Chapter 3: King of man.

There was once a king. The greatest king there ever was. He ruled over all things on this earth. Everything was his to command. Yet he was not satisfied. He desired something more. An unbearable yearning. Yet he knew not what it was. He ordered his subjects to find him what it was he was missing. They brought him many things. And sometimes he felt a stirring deep inside himself. As if he was getting closer. But it would always quickly fade.

So he kept on searching. He had the most beautiful women in all the land. Heard the most heavenly music. But it did not satisfy him. For so long he searched. So long that he became older and older. His hair fell out. Muscles and organs dried and and fell away. Until all was left was a skeleton. The people brought him all the most delicious foods and beverages there were from every corner of the world. But when he tried to eat and drink. It just fell through the empty spaces between his bones.

He was brought all the most precious treasures. Golden crowns and gems shining with all the colors of the rainbow. But when he tried to grab them. his brittle bones fell apart into dust. And all traces of the king blew away in the wind. Traveling so high in the sky. The king was blown to a place where all the winds meet. A howling storm. And his dust rested in the eye of it all.

He felt so much sadness in this maelstrom. And being he a king for so long. He had grown arrogant. He ordered the storm to tell him why it was sad. And the storm answered. It told him that it was searching. Searching for so long for a key. To make it's daughter happy. The storm told him of it's story. Of a chest in the depths of the sea. And how It's daughter was waiting for it to unlock it.

Then the king realized who it was he was speaking to. It was the world. The sun and the moon. The heavens and the earth. All things in this world. And he thought maybe if he could make the world his servant. He could use it's power to find that which would make him complete. He thought hard. Thinking over the worlds story. and in deepest recesses of his memory. He remembered a key. He thought up a scheme. He told the world he would tell it where the key was if it could find what he desired. And if not. It would serve him. And the world agreed. For it could not bear to make it's daughter wait any longer.....

Chapter 4: The Watcher.

There was once a being. A being that existed beyond the physical realm. Not anchored in the river of time. Unbound by the realms of space. Existing in every little instant that ever was, is, will be or could be. Existing in every particle of space. Inside every living thing. And all things not living. It has seen the beginning of days. When the creator gave birth to all things that exist. And the end of days. When the hungry ones were free to devour worlds. When the darkness became so strong that the universe started caving in on itself. When the destroyer brought the end. And then It saw the Creator return. And Give birth again.

It had seen this cycle countless times. All stories were known to it. From beginning to end. And it made sure this cycle kept going. It preserved the order. But one story stood out from the rest. One small world out of an incalculable amount of worlds. With the desire for something it would never find. One king of countless. With a desire for something he could never find. And though he was mere dust. He had a boundless desire. And if he took control of the world. He would still not fulfill it.

He would take world after world. He would tear apart all of existence. Destroy everything and still not be satisfied. And this could not be. For the being had seen the end of this story. And realized it must intervene. So it made itself a physical form. The form of an ordinary man. And it descended to the physical realms. And gave itself a voice. A voice only the world could hear. It asked the world what the king desired. And the world was surprised. Hearing a voice from nowhere. it asked who was there. And the voice told it it was a friend that would help The voice told it to leave the king. To tell him it would search for what he desired. And the king agreed.

The world took he form of a ray of light and sped away so quickly that it seemed time had stopped. It sped so fast and far that it was in a deep corner of space it knew not of. And then a man appeared. His form surrounded by an aura of blinding light. And the man told the world it would never find what the king was looking for. And the world fell into despair. Thinking of it's daughter. Waiting so long that she had turned to stone. A lone statue of a weeping girl in the deeps. But the man told it not to worry. For it would send it to a different realm. A place containing answers.

Chapter 5: The realm of forgotten memories.

There was once a place. Between the kingdom of broken dreams. And the forest of lost souls. A place where all memories forgotten rest. From the memories of the mightiest beast. To the memories of the smallest speck of life. And the world fell into this realm. Falling through bits and pieces of many lives. It finally settled In the beautiful countryside. On a small farm. And it heard the crying of a baby coming from an open window.

It went to look and saw a beautiful new baby boy. The mother started singing to the baby. And it fell asleep content in her arms. Then They were in a field on a summer's eve. The baby was now a young boy. And there were fireflies everywhere. Turning the night into a dreamlike scene. The boy ran after the fireflies trying to catch them. And he finally did. Gently grasping the delicate creature in his hands. He opened his hands and watched in wonder as it flew away.

The world traveled through many times. And the the boy's life was not perfect. But the boy had a gift that helped him grow. And get through the harder times. The boy grew into man and met a girl. The most beautiful that there ever was. Her smile could melt the coldest of hearts and her laugh would travel with the wind. Finding the hopeless ones and lifting them out of misery. Her hair was a silvery blonde like the full moon on a winters days. And her eyes a light blue like the clear skies of a new day. They instantly fell in love. And it was the most wonderful thing. Their love was so wonderful that the universe stopped for a second to smile. They got married. And it was a day nobody would ever forget.

They had a child. A little baby girl. And while here mother was like the moon. The child was like the sun. With hair golden like honey. With sparkling blue eyes like the vast sea. And the girl had so much love to give. She loved her mother and father more than anything there was. She loved the sky. And the seas of grass around her home. One day the family went on a trip. Sailing through the ocean. They stopped for a picnic on the boat. It was the most perfect day the world had ever seen.

Then the world heard the being's voice. And the being said something strange. That this was the world's lost memory too. Suddenly the sky darkened. Full of black clouds. And the rain came down hard like bullets from the heavens. The waves rose high. So high they pierced the clouds. And then they came down. Crushing everything beneath them. The boat was destroyed. And the family lost under the waves. And the world remembered his storm. The being was showing it a part of it's past it had forgotten. And it remembered the truth.

It was the longest storm there ever was. And when it finally calmed. Only two had survived. The father had washed up on the coast. And the daughter on a nearby island. But without care she would die. So the world had taken her as it's own. Thought it was forbidden for it to tamper with the lives of man. It could not bear the thought of losing such a beautiful soul. But once it had taken her in. She could never join the humans again. And the world chose to take her memories away. And never tell her of her family. For it knew it would break her heart so badly that she would never heal. And The father was overcome with pain. So much pain that it spread throughout the universe. And all things felt it.

He would stand by the edge of the sea. Calling for his family. But they never came. He tried many times to go into the sea and look. But he froze in fear every time he got too close. He would stand by the sea ever day. And over time his pain turned to hatred. His sadness to anger. He screamed at the sea. A scream echoing through all of time and space. Spreading anger and hate. Slowly making the universe darker. Finally he could not take it anymore. So he took his treasure. And filled it with everything he had. All the painful feelings. All the sad memories.

But with all the bad went all the good. He placed the treasure in an iron chest. And threw it in the sea which he hated so. Knowing that his fear of the sea would stop him from ever finding that sadness again. And he raised his hand to throw away the key. But something inside him made him stop. The last shred of good. So he hid the key away. Deep inside the emptiness of his mind. He quickly forgot his past. And went out into the world. And because he felt no pain. And he never tired. He rose up in the world. Never faltering. Until without even knowing it. He had become the ruler of it all. And though it seemed he had everything. That fleck of good still inside him knew he had nothing. And it made him yearn for all that he had lost. The good and the bad. The world was then forcefully ripped out of the memories. Back into space with the man encased in light. And the man told the world what it must do. Reunite the king with his lost treasure. And the king's daughter the truth.....

Chapter 6: A deal with the devil.

There was once a spirit that sat above all. And it's word was absolute. And it saw that the events of one tiny world would lead to the end of all things. And it ordered the destroyer. A mighty demon with strength unrivaled by all but a few. To end all things. And it ordered the creator. One of the oldest beings of all. To continue the cycle. But the watcher saw this. And it begged the mighty spirit to rethink. But the spirit was furious. How dare this being defy it. And the watcher told the spirit that it had already seen what would happen. But the spirit did not listen.

So the watcher decided to strike a deal. For it knew that the spirit was arrogant. And would not listen even if it truly knew it was wrong. the deal was that the spirit would leave the world alone for one day. And if in that time the threat did not disappear. Then the cycle would continue. And the watcher would be punished for it's insolence. It would be erased. Not destroyed or shattered into pieces. Removed from the universe. From the past, present and future. From every inch of reality. Gone forever to never be reborn. But if the watcher was right. And everything ended well. Then The spirit would step down as ruler. And the watcher would take it's place. And neither of them would intervene. The spirit was shocked. Nothing had ever treated it like this. Almost as if they were talking down to it as a lesser. And surrounded by it's peers. Creation and Destruction. It did not wish to seem weak.

So it agreed. And the watcher was glad. For the cycle would finally end. And the universe would be able to rest. And something new might be born. Even it could not see that far. Because all things are limited. Everything is imperfect. but the spirit would never admit that. And the endless cycles would only bring ruin. The spirit ordered the watcher to leave. And creation and destruction too. And then it summoned the Nightfather. Monarch of darkness. And it ordered him to shroud them in shadows that not even the watcher could see through. And he told the Nightfather that he would always rule. And though the watcher could see nearly all things. It would still lose.

Because it would make sure the disaster was not averted. And would order Oblivion, the oldest one. Ruler of nothing. Who was there before anything else. To erase the watcher. And if the Nightfather agreed. He be granted rulership over all light. For the light burned The Nightfather. And swept away his darkness. If he could finally command it. He believed he could overpower the spirit. And rule everything. But the spirit knew this. And planned to order Oblivion to erase him too. The watcher saw the shadow. But could not see within. it became worried. But could not break it's deal. So it watched the little world. Because the dawn had come. And everything was about to begin.....

Chapter 7: The Catalyst.

There was once a statue in the sea. A statue of a weeping maiden. Standing over an iron chest. The world watched from the beach full of sadness. It had turned her to stone until it could find the key. So she would not have to suffer for so long. The king was also at the beach. A swirling cloud of dust. He asked the world why they were there. And the world told him that what he desired was in this sea. And that they must go in. And for an instant. The king felt something strange. A feeling from a very long time ago. He could not remember what it was. But in that moment he did not want to go into the sea. But it quickly passed.

The dust took the form of a man. And they went into the sea. They went deeper and deeper until they finally found what they were looking for. An oasis of shining lights in a sea of darkness. And in the center was a statue and a chest. The world went to embrace the statue. And the girl was no longer stone. The king walked towards the chest. And the world told him to use the key. He thought back. And he remembered. He put out his hand, palm facing upwards. And concentrated hard. And from the dust rose a key. He put the key in the lock. And unlocked the chest. And then everything went white.....

Chapter 8: Arrival of the end.

There was once a small town on the coast. A calm and quiet town always smelling of the sea. There was a tree on bluff. And under the tree rested two stones. There were words engraved on the stones. But they were so worn over time. Nobody could read them. And so old nobody remembered why they were there. The fisherman were just returning with their hauls. And the townspeople were just waking up. The sun was rising. Blood red on the horizon.

But then a ray of light burst forth from the sea. So bright it blocked out the sun. The light pierced the heavens. And everything shook. The sky got dark. Dark clouds rolled in. And a storm was born. The thunder was louder than ever before. And the lightning cracked hard. Threatening to strike down everything in it's way. The townspeople ran inside and huddled in fear.

The world took the form of a man and carried the girl out of sea. It was worried for she would not wake. The world saw the king by a tree. Looking down upon two stones. It had all come back. He turned to face them. And there were tears streaming down his face. But it had all come at once. And it was far too much for one man. The rain turned to blood. And the man was holding the body of his wife. He begged her to awaken. But she turned to blood and fell through his fingers. He called for his daughter. But there was no answer. He suddenly saw the world. And the blood turned to fire. He blamed the world for all this. He walked towards the world and suddenly saw the girl. And he froze.

Though he did not know who she was. She looked familiar. And he could not force himself to harm her. Suddenly a beast rose from the sea. It had the shape of a man. But it was covered in pitch black fur and had the wings of a bat. And it's eyes. So black, like windows into the void. Pulling in all heat and light. And around it rose many demons with horrible and monstrous forms. It was the Nightfather, Monarch of darkness. And his legion of demons rose up and fell upon the town. Ripping apart the houses. And devouring the townspeople. The king was consumed by rage. And his gift amplified his rage, turning it into an uncontrollable inferno.

His eyes burned like twin hells and flames and smoke billowed from his mouth and nose. He saw the horrors that were happening and ran at the demons. They tried to fight him. But his mere touch burned them to ash. Every demon flew into the sky until it was blocked out. And then they spiraled down at him. Like a tornado of pure darkness. But it was not enough.

The king let out a great breath of flame. An all consuming explosion that burned away all the shadows in the sky. The Nightfather saw what happened. How dare a mere human destroy his sons and daughters. He flew at the king and grabbed him in his massive talons. He forced the king to look into his eyes. And the dark voids drained away all the heat. The king went limp. And the Nightfather threw him away in disgust. He saw the world. But because it was in the shape of a man. He did not recognize it. He summoned the most corrupt of darkness in his hand. And sent it into the core of the man.

Everything started to go dark. And the world saw The Nightfather holding the girl. She was waking up. Her eyes opened and she looked into the void. The world could not die yet. It still had a promise to keep. With all the strength it had left. It made itself a form of light. Fueled by all the happiness the girl had felt. And all the love it felt for her. It charged at the Nightfather making him look away from the girl.......

Chapter 9: Mansuelux.

There was once a family. The happiest family there ever was. Just a mother, father and daughter. But with all the love to offer in the universe. The father was warm and kind. Always there to protect his angel. And chase away all here fears. The mother was beautiful and loving. Always there to sing her baby to sleep. And gently wake her in the morning. One day they went sailing of into the horizon. It was a warm summers day and the sky was clear, the water sparkled like diamonds and the sea breeze was calm and soothing. The parents had named the sailboat "Mansuelux" because they said that was the name of a guardian angel. And that it would protect her forever and always.

They stopped the boat. And were having a picnic. The girl was eating her favorite treat. Blueberry muffins her mother had made for her. But the wind got stronger, the sky got cloudy, and the sea turbulent. The rain started coming down hard and the waves rose up so high they blotted out the horizon. The waved crashed down and they all went under the surface. Time had passed and the girl woke up. She felt the sun on her face. And the warm sand beneath her. But she was soaked and shivering. The cold was merciless. Chilling her straight to the bone. But then she heard a gentle voice. She could not make out the words. But it made her feel safe. She felt a warm hand on her cheek and the cold faded away. She then knew who it was.

Her parent wishes for her to always be safe and happy had imbued the sailboat with a soul of sorts. And Mansuelux was born. It did not remember who it was. All it knew was that it must protect this girl. Keep her away from harm. And never let her be sad. The girl finally remembered her past that Mansuelux, the world had hidden from her. She woke and felt a strong, cold grip around her. She opened her eyes and found herself looking into eyes of pure darkness. But she then heard a yell and the eyes looked away. And then there was a blinding light. But it felt familiar......

Chapter 10: Sacrifices.

There was once a demon who lived in a time far before ours. Back then everything was dark. An age before light. He found that he could manipulate the darkness. And he came to rule over the shadows. But change came along like it always does. An angel was born. And it brought with it light. Many beings rejoiced for the light was warm and beautiful. But this one demon hated it. For it rejected him. He was made to hide in the shadows while his brethren celebrated in the light.

And he became darker and darker. More and more wicked. If only he could live in the light. He would rule again. He would be almighty. Now he would finally make his dreams a reality. Fuel the fires of this world. And it would ruin everything. But before him was an enemy of pure light. He was filled with hatred. How could the universe curse him so? He roared at the sky and charged at the light. He spread his wings out wide and surrounded it. Creating a dome of darkness. The girl cried out. But she had no strength to get up.

But she then heard Mansuelux's muffled voice. It said that it would keep it's promise. And always protect her. Beams of light pierced through the great demon's wings. The light burned away his fur and skin. It became stronger and stronger. Until it had fully engulfed the Nightfather. Then it started fading. until there was nothing but a weak light.

It hovered over to her. And told her it would always protect her no matter what. She started crying, telling it not to leave her. But it told her that it would always be with her. And the light floated down into her. And she was filled with love. The love of an angel who would do anything to keep her safe. And she felt invigorated. She stood up and looked around. She was in a burning town. Everything was in ruins. Dead bodies littering the ground. she felt sick but there was a soothing warmth in her chest. And she walked on.

She saw a figure lying on the ground. And realized it was her father. She was overcome with emotions and knelt down beside him. Tears streaming down her face. She screamed for him to get up. And her crying voice pierced his essence. He opened his eyes. And smiled up at her. He had finally found his little angel. The tears started flowing and they embraced. But then the sky opened up and a massive ball of flame started to slowly fall towards the earth. The great spirit that ruled all things had sent down the destroyer to end things once and for all. The destroyer had tried to resist. Claiming that that was not part of the deal. But the spirit's commands were absolute. And it was impossible to fight them.

The watcher saw this And knew it must stop them. It would seal away the spirit in a time and space so remote. It would never be free to terrorize the universe again. So the watcher came from every instant of time. from every little part of space. So that the spirit would have no way of stopping it. But Oblivion saw this. And came to erase It. The watcher exists everywhere. And knew this would happen. But it believed it was a price worth paying. Before Oblivion could erase it. It struck down the spirit. And sealed it away forever. Then the watcher was gone.

The king looked up at the heavens and knew what he must do. With all the power his gift granted him. He flew up into the sky and pressed his hands against the ball of flames. Slowly pushing it away. The fire burned way his flesh. Leaving only a skeleton. He chuckled to himself and kept pushing. This would be his redemption for abandoning his little angel. He searched inside himself and collected all the power his gift had to offer. And with that strength, he pushed back the flames from whence they came. Then he fell back to the earth. His daughter caught him. But his bones turned to dust and blew away in the wind.

She did not know what to do. But then she heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw her mother and father. They were both there. Made up of light. She ran to embrace them. And they hugged her and covered her in kisses. Her mother told her about how she had missed her. But she was glad she was taken take of. Her father told her though the time they spent together again was short. He would treasure it forever. And he told he he had a gift for her. He gave her his treasure. And told her it would protect her. Then the figures of light started fading away. They told her not to be sad. They would see her again soon........

Chapter 11: The royal family (Epilogue).

There was once a palace in a realm beyond all others. A palace with an empty thrown. There had been a divine pact. But the beings who made the pact were here no longer. The great creation had no desire to command. It existed solely to create. Destruction having returned defeated. Went off to rest and regain it's strength. Oblivion was empty . And felt nothing about it. And all the other spirits, angels, demons and other beings were not powerful enough to take the throne.

But then two shining beams appeared. A man and women made up solely of light. The former king of man had learned from his wife about all that had happened. She had watched everything from a realm beyond life. And she had spread the word about everything. All beings had mourned the loss of the watcher. It would have made a worthy ruler. But they had seen into the core of the former king. And they had judged him and his wife worthy. So the throne was split. Now a king again. The father would rule over time. For he had been searching so long for the things he loved. And the mother, now queen. Would rule over space. For how close she always was to the ones she cared about. Yet always so far away. And together they ruled fairly.

And the daughter was now a princess. And though she was really raised by Mansuelux. She thought it to be the embodiment of the world. And had come to love the world so much that she was made protector of it. But she was always able to go to the palace. And spend as much time as she wanted with her family. For her father the king was the ruler of time. And her mother would recreate all the places from their past.

And they were even able to heal Mansuelux. And it took the form of a sailboat again. And the king and queen sent down creation, destruction and oblivion. Destruction eroded away all the ruin in the world. Creation healed all the wounded and created new homes. And oblivion wiped away all the horrible memories. And after so much time of being protected by the world. It was the princess's job to protect it.
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Re: Poetry Corner

Postby raynewalker » Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:09 pm

Nice. I'm gonna be honest I didn't read it all through, but I admire the effort you put into your work. The dedication is definitely there. I LOVE literature however I can't get myself to focus long enough to write up something good. So I guess it's not really for me. But hey keep up the good job, Nunn!
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