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?Gl/-w,/itch/wfaw! Slime

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:19 pm
by TurtleDuDe48


What is this slime? only one has ever ever been documentated, even rarer then the mythical goldslime. it is seemingly unstable, it cannot become a largo. instead it will explode in a glorious manner. Why and how this magnificent creature exists? no one knows.

rancher risks:
these slimes are delicate, even the slightest momment of terror in the slime and it will explode, you must keep it calm in happy. in order to house them.

currently this slimes plorts has no use, and is being studied for further analysis of its propertys.

plort value:

its plort value dramatically increases and decreases. its a gambling game

you can only find 1 glitch slime in the intire farfarrange. its a hunt, when the previous slime "disapears" a new one is spawned. you cannot find 2 of them at once.


is it a vegetable? a fruit? Maybe a chicken? No one knows and ever will. it appears to be a disgusting amalgamation of all these food types.

Re: ?Gl/-w,/itch/wfaw! Slime

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:26 pm
by EmeraldPlay
Nice idea.

Re: ?Gl/-w,/itch/wfaw! Slime

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:09 pm
by Virukino
I think there should be a farfar orange.

Re: ?Gl/-w,/itch/wfaw! Slime

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:25 pm
by MisfortuneRising
That's an interesting idea! :)