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Tidal Island Area Idea (Jetpack exploration area)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 4:57 am
by PioTendero
I was thinking that it would be cool if there was an area that would really test and give one risks to jetpacking over long distances and requires a player to be more advanced to enter this.

The area is another island, but it's broken up into small pieces of island so, there's no one specific land mass. What makes it hard is that it would require the player to constantly use their jetpack and slimes and animals here will prove to be a bit of a nuisance if you're on a very tiny portion of island. Aesthetically, it would look like sunken ruins.

The hardest part is that, like the glass desert, there would be a certain time when the tide would rise and would require you to quickly scale to higher ground, otherwise you would be knocked out. Maybe, bubbles will alert of the tide rising.

The other idea is that it would be like the glass desert, where you would have to gather plorts of the slimes there and shoot them to the statues, which are hard to find. When you do shoot plorts into all the statues, the island will rise a bit, revealing more of the sunken portion of the island, and giving a lot more land to traverse when the tide comes in again.

Re: Tidal Island Area Idea (Jetpack exploration area)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 5:26 pm
by JasontheBasin

Re: Tidal Island Area Idea (Jetpack exploration area)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:41 am
by Twerps3
yes, an interesting idea but needs more to differentiate it from the ruins or glass desert In my opinion

Re: Tidal Island Area Idea (Jetpack exploration area)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:36 am
by Crafter1300
But what would be so specel about it. In my suggestion probably another slime gordo.