[!] Spaghetti Slime [!]

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[!] Spaghetti Slime [!]

Postby TurtleDuDe48 » Sat May 27, 2017 1:03 am

"i think some guy made a religon about this. . ."

diet: meat

favourite: Moustrachenhen
(a henhen with a moustache)

The spaghetti slime is a facinating slime, everywhere it goes it leaves behind a tasty sticky residue knowns as slasta sauce. this sauce seems to act as a natural barrier for other slimes, as they get stuck on the residue, making them 4x more hungry and feral, due to being forced to stand still for more then an hour (one minute in game) Once the sauce disintegrates, the captured slimes are released and wreck mayhem. not only are spaghetti slimes sticky, they can climb walls! their slasta sauce seems to be another form of trasportation for these slimes, as they can jet out the red liquid from their bottom, creating a jetpack, leaving a sticky mess at the bottom.

rancher risks:
If one decides to ranch these slimes you must be careful, the spaghetti slimes are very intelligent, and co-operate with one another, breaking the coral nets, these slimes are best ranched free range.

Its a bottle containing some delicious sauce, has anyone cracked the code on how to make this in the lab? no, but one thing we know for sure is that its red, its sticky. and it goes great with spaghetti!

plort value: 100$
all credit for drawing the Crystal slime belongs to Hachiseiko.

And remember kids. Stay in school and don't do drugs.

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Re: [!] Spaghetti Slime [!]

Postby EmeraldPlay » Sat May 27, 2017 2:35 am

Nice idea!
My avatar was taken from Miomilla's chart.

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Re: [!] Spaghetti Slime [!]

Postby TheChaoticClappj » Tue May 30, 2017 5:06 pm

I think some guy made a religion out of this
Me: OMG YESSSSSS ANOTHER PASTAFARIAN *dances for like 15 minutes out of pure joy*
I love slime rancher and everything about it. I can't wait to see what this amazing idea will become in the near future!
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Re: [!] Spaghetti Slime [!]

Postby SlimeRancherKay » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:08 pm

At first I was interested but upon seeing that it was linked to pastafarianism aka spaghetti monster mumbo jumbo I have to say it's a no for me. I'm just not down with the whole pasta religion thing because it was made to be a mockery towards other God centered religions.

No offense but if I ever ever saw this in my game I'd quit playing 100% no joke, it would be an absolute deal breaker for me. In fact better yet I'd never do thee update to add such a thing. Forgive me I'm not saying a Spaghetti Slime is a bad thing but if it's based on something like pastafarianism then yes it's bad, it's not only bad but it's a slap to the face of those who are truly religious.
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Re: [!] Spaghetti Slime [!]

Postby Slimerlolz321 » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:10 am

@SlimeRancherKay if you hate this you are definitely gonna hate my Judas Slime idea...

Pastafarianism is a real, legitimate religion, as much as any other. With thousands of devout worshipers, the Church of the FSM is in-fact an officially recognized religion in three countries, and a multitude of different states in North America, also infringement on a believers rights in North America is also deemed an unconstitutional act.

You should indeed stop playing the game, and leave the Slime Rancher community a more accepting place, and then you should pick up your bible.

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Re: [!] Spaghetti Slime [!]

Postby akkamaddi » Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:58 am

We all have our own red lines for what will make us leave a game. We also have our own opinions on what is a good or bad idea. (I've had some of mine shot down brutally.)

Let's stick to the forum and not make busywork for the moderators. :-)
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