My Guide On How To Make A Slime

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My Guide On How To Make A Slime

Postby TurtleDuDe48 » Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:00 pm

Slime Making Guide!

First of all this is my opinion. you may disagree with it and im fine with that. people have diffrent perspectives, and i will be showing you my perspective on how to make slimes. I may not know everything about making slimes but i do know a bit about it.

The format.

The format of your slime should definetely have a format similar to this

Cheezy Joke(not really needed)
slimeology (a description about the slime)
rancher risks (what the name suggests, the rancher risks that the slime has
plortonomics (what their plorts are used for
plort value (how much money a plot gives you

now you know a somewhat good format. now lets talk about the slimeology and what you should know about it

use the slimeology wisely. talk about the main points of the slime. such as their behavior and defences and problems etc. try not to dawdle off and start talking about your cats behavior. also try to make the slimes properties unique.

Rancher Risks

Make sure the rancher risks arent to horrible. keep this is mind. the higher the risks the slime poses the higher plort value it should have. You should know this from common sence. anything extremly rare and hard to keep should make more money then a pink slime.


Now this is the bit i struggle on the most, plortonomics, the majoritie of the time i dont really know what to insert so i just put something random in there. like the plorts being medicine etc. try give it a sci-fy esk feeling to it

Plort value.

Self explanatory. try not to make it extremly big. in my opinion the more risks the slime poses.

i hope you found this helpful! feel free to tell me what you think should be edited
all credit for drawing the Crystal slime belongs to Hachiseiko.

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Re: My Guide On How To Make A Slime

Postby HappyRainbew » Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:07 pm

This is a nice template for a slime entry, nice job!

Typical Plort Values (for reference when choosing a value):
- Starting at 7, going up to around 15 (Pink Slimes, any very common slime)
- Starting at 15, going up to around 30 (Rock, Tabby, Phosphor, any common slime, usually not in every area)
- Starting at 30, going up to around 60 (Rad, Honey, Boom, Hunter, prob Crystal, etc., any rare and/or land exclusive slime, most slimes have plorts this value)
- Starting at 50, going up to around 100 (This is just an idea if someone has a very rare but catchable slime that probably can't make largoes, or with some kind of handicap, no slimes exist with this value)
- Starting at 200, going up to around 500 (Gold slime, any very rare, non-catchable and non largoable slime should go here, but we already have the gold and lucky slime so it's hard to come up with a good slime that fits with this plort value)

Just made that chart so there aren't people coming up with a slime that produces plorts that start at a value of 21 and go up to a value of 333, and the chart also seems to categorize rarity too.
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Re: My Guide On How To Make A Slime

Postby PataponCreeper » Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:09 am

this is awesome
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